Kunst als Transformationsbegleiterin. //
Laugh. Learn. Connect. An interactive traveling exhibition / intervention

The Beauty of Transformation
A co-created, interactive exhibition in the „TRAFOS“ – the transformation::spaces for future-oriented learning. Lüneburg / Germany. Some event impressions can be found here.

An Inside Out Community Art Project.

‘Economy’ taken literally means nothing less than managing – or TAKING CARE – of the household. Economy is related to taking care. It is (supposed to be!) an act of CARE-TAKING. Of a household´s needs, of human needs, of the needs of planet earth so the global household can sustain and thrive.
Is this what you see in your surrounding? Is this what economy feels like to you right now?
For some people it does indeed – because that´s how economy can indeed feel like: taking care and being taken care of. By a COMMUNITY. Driven by human values like SOLIDARITY, COMPASSION, JUSTICE. We still talk about „economic alternatives“. Let´s make alternatives that lead to thriving communities the new normal!
Public event & community action with photo pasting in Lüneburg, May 5th 2023 (see further project page).
Higher Education Reloaded – Change from the inside out!
Hasselt/ Belgium, September 2022

My Contribution at the Higher Education Summit „DARING TO TRANSFORM LEARNING FOR A FUTURE-PROOF ECONOMY„, Hasselt / Belgium (September 2022). This ACTION ATELIER allowed to connect and reflect as a basis for joint action. ART as a transformation companion.
Higher education institutions are not only investigating and supporting transformations towards sustainability. They are subject and location of transformation themselves – as each one of us is.
Courage Oase
Freiburg/ Germany, July 2022
Pavillon am AGRIKULTUR FESTIVAL 2022 in Freiburg mit
- Verbal Pollination Ausstellung und Mitmach–Aktion;
- Lesung von Menschen sind wie Apfelkuchen mit anschließendem Apfelkuchen-Essen und Impuls-Gesprächen über (Un-)Gleichgewicht und was (innere) Nachhaltigkeit und Ökonomie gemeinsam haben.
CSX goes Lüneburg
Lüneburg/ Germany, April 2022

Co-organization and facilitation of the 2-day event CSX goes Lüneburg, in cooperation with the Social Change Hub (SCHub), Mosaique, and the CSX network association (find an explanation of CSX here).
Stay tuned for the upcoming book Community Supported Economy. New entrepreneurial narratives in words, deeds, and pictures. We are doing nothing less than writing history together!
Previous actions
Verbal Pollination exhibitions
Copenhagen-Paris, 2015
Pedalling for change, to COP 21